Name:  Indonesian Journal of Social Science Research (IJSSR)
E-ISSN2775- 1082
DOI:  10.11594
Period:  June and December
Indexing and AbstractingScinapse, Google Scholar, Crossref, Dimensions, ROAD, Scilit, ICI Copernicus, Cite Factor, Garuda Ristekdikti, ERIHPlus, and others in progress
Partnered with:  ReviewerCredits and Publons
Publication Guidelines:  COPE Guidelines
PublisherFuture Science, Malang, Indonesia
Founded:  2020

Indonesian Journal of Social Science Research (IJSSR) a peer reviewed two time a year (June and December) that publishes full-length papers with registered number ISSN 2775-1082 (Online). It is a journal about the results of research in the field of social science which includes social culture, public & social policy, governance & regional autonomy, development economics, politics, communication, sociology, anthropology, taxation, and administration (public & business) published by Future Science, Indonesia. The purpose of this journal is to publish research results that can contribute to the development of science. IJSSR is published twice a year, June and December. IJSSR accepts writing in the form of qualitative, quantitative research and mix methods from relevant academics, practitioners, researchers, and students. IJSSR Journal publishes original research work either as a Full Research Paper or as a Short Communication. Review Articles on a current topic in the said fields are also considered for publication by the Journal. Indonesian Journal of Social Science Research (IJSSR) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Vol 5 No 2 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Social Science Research (IJSSR)

Published: 2024-08-02

The Public Spaces in the Historical City: Characteristics and Transformations

Case Study; the Ksar of Khanguet Sidi Nadji, Algeria

381-392 Faten Ghanemi , Soumaya Makhloufi, Fouzia Meliouh , Khalissa Hamel , Manel Nasri

Exploring Algerian EFL Master’s Students’ Attitudes Toward AI-giarism

444-459 Nadia Ghounane, Asma Rahmani, Khairi Al-Zubaidi

Building A Predictive Model for Student Decisions: The Role of Investment Understanding, Herding Behavior and Risk Tolerance

508-516 Elis Listiana Mulyani, Dede Arif Rahmani, Dian Kurniawan, Iwan Ridwan Paturochman, Lucky Radi Rinandiyana, Tine Badriatin

Indonesia's Defense Diplomacy in Lebanon through The Peacekeeping Force of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)

621-630 Sugianto, Muhammad Riduan, Yoghi Hermawan, Jafirman Torang Avery Louerens, Henike Primawanti

Management Tool for Green Spaces: Case of Setif Urban Park

643-657 Sara Bouzekri, Said Madani

The Social Abandonment of Ancient Urban Settlements, The Case of Ksar Khanguet Sidi Nadji in Biskra, Algeria

658-666 Akram Kebbour, Soumia Bouzaher, Manel Nasri, Oumnia Aibeche

A Therapeutic Approach in Communication for the Recovery of Child Victims of Sexual Abuse in Kasemen Sub-District, Serang City

684-691 Marthalena Marthalena, Rahmi Mulyasih, Endang Tri Santi , Rethorika Berthanila, Muhammad Najmi

Systematic Literature Review : Gender Focal Point in Military

692-706 Bunga Aprillia, Jusmalia Oktaviani

Implementation Of Direct Cash Transfer In Cilegon City

726-731 Rachmi Yulianti, Ima Hakima

Study Of Regional Development Planning Index Of Serang Regency 2023

749-760 Agus Lukman Hakim, Rachmat Maulana, Natta Sanjaya, Hanifah Hanifah, Siti Yuniar

Assessing Pedestrian Walkability: Improving University Access Via Public Transport in Algiers

761-783 Sarra ACHOURA, Imane HARAOUBIA, Inmaculada MOHINO, Tahar BAOUNI

Policy Formulation to Reduce Deforestation in Riau Islands: A Review of Practices and Challenges

824-836 Rizky Gunawan, Rumzi Samin, Rezal Hadi Basalamah

Building a Model of the Influence of Information Technology Usage, Technology Competence, and Technostress on Lecturer Performance in the Digital Age

837-845 Dian Kurniawan, Lucky Radi Rinandiyana, Alfin Nurfahmi Mufreni, Asep Budiman, Ane Kurniawati, Tine Badriatin
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